
Home / Contact us

Contact us

By e-mail

This is our method of choice. We usually get back to you within 24 hours.

To know and exercise your rights, including the withdrawal of your consent to use the data collected by this form, please consult our privacy policy.

By phone


+33 450 87 21 09 (Office)

(646) 233-1354 (US and Canada)

Because our office is located in France there may be a possibility that we are not available when you call from abroad. The office hours are between 8:30 am and 7:0 pm.

Interact with us


via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, and Whatsapp by clicking on the buttons below:


Our address

In France

Cyclomundo SARL
La Chatelaine
18 rue Rene Cassin
74240 Gaillard

We are legally required to disclose the following:

SARL Cyclomundo is registered in Thonon-les-Bains, France
Siren#: 448 734 590
Atout France#: IM074100075
Insured by MMA Assurances
Financial Guarantee provided by APST