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Discover Lisbon region best secrets

Riding to Cape Roca, between Sintra to Cascais

Lisboa is often the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Portugal, and for good reason! One of the oldest cities in the world, Portugal’s capital is as vibrant as it is historic, brimming with music and art, trendy restaurants and museums, interesting neighborhoods, and grand feats of architecture that span styles from centuries of Moorish occupation through the Romanesque to Postmodern. Lisboa is well aware of its charms too: inviting travelers to enjoy a refreshing beer from one of its many hilltop viewpoints, enjoying the stunning monuments, beautiful tiled buildings, and bougainvillea-draped walls of the city below while bright azure skies deepen into a lively evening scene. 


In the surrounding area, spectacular beaches and exquisite towns beckon as well, fanning around the mouth of the Tagus River where it meets the Atlantic. With a pleasant Mediterranean climate promising ample sunshine and mild winters, the Lisboa region offers ideal cycling along quiet roads and bike paths. There is no end to the scenic route, even as you approach the horizon at the westernmost point of Europe at Cabo da Roca. Seaside villages like Ericeira and Cascais double as holiday resorts, the latter one of the oldest in Europe. Here along the coast, fresh sardines, cod, and octopus present a familiar (and mouthwatering) sight at the dinner table. Other treasures, like the fantastic palaces of Sintra Natural Park, hide away from the water’s edge, to be found among an inland sea of rolling landscapes and lush woods.


Exploring on foot or from the seat of your bike, every moment in this enchanting city and its region will have you wanting to come back for more...

Riding to Cape Roca, between Sintra to Cascais Wandering in Lisbon center

2024 Lisboa Tours

Self guided tours for leisure riders